第2回ネペンテス サミット

Content of lecture announcement and appearance on Saturday, October 9

Yukio Koshikawa

南総食虫植物園で栽培されているNepenthesを紹介。オリジナルの選別された交配種や珍しい原種など約30以上紹介された。 中でもフィリピン産の新種、フィリピン産のN.alataであるがN.reinwardtianaのような蜜腺が2つできるタイプなど非常に興味深い内容であった。

It introduces Nepenthes grown in the Nansow insectivorous plant Botanical garden. About 30 or more like a selected original hybridization kind and an unusual original seed, etc. was introduced.
It was a very interesting content such as typing to be able to have two honey glands like N.reinwardtiana though it was a new kind from the Philippines especially, and N.alata from the Philippines.

Ch'ien Lee
A Nepenthes Expedition to West Papua

まるでN.aristolochioidesのようなN.klosii、N.fuscaに近い系統、N.ccpelandiiに近い系統などまるで別種のような様々な変異のあるN.maxima、サラワクのものよりもやや大きめのN.ampullaria 真っ赤なN.mirabilis red pitcher、40cm以上ある巨大な袋のN.insignis 、N.sumatranaに近縁で海面に非常に近い場所に成育するN.treuvianaの画像、綺麗な袋のN.neoguineensis N.maxima x insignis N.mirabilis x N.maxima N.mirabilis x N.ampullaria(N.kuchingensis) N.neoguineensis x gracilis等の自然雑種も非常に魅力的であった。

A wild field kind and a natural hybrid were introduced to Papua New Guinea by a beautiful image.
N.insignis and N of N.mirabilis red pitcher and 40cm or more of red N.ampullaria that is a little larger than the one of N.maxima and Sarawak where various mutations like variety like system near N.klosii and N.fusca like N.aristolochioides and systems, etc. near N.ccpelandii exist huge pitcher. A natural crossbreed such as N.neoguineensis N.maxima x insignis N.mirabilis x N.maxima N.mirabilis x N.ampullaria(N.kuchingensis) N.neoguineensis x gracilis of an image of N.treuviana that grew to a place very near the surface of the sea with Ticaen and a beautiful pitcher was also very attractive in sumatrana.

Naoki Tanabe

スマトラではメダンからドバ湖を一周し、Sibolgaを経て再びトバ湖を回りBerastagiまでの行程において、N.tobaika N.ovata N.rhombicoulis N.spectabilis N.sumatrana N.longifolia N.eustachya N.aptera(新種)等のスマトラ固有種を見ることが出来た。更にN.ampullaria N.gracilis N.mirabilis N.reinwardtiana等のボルネオでも御馴染みのものも見ることが出来た。

It is a report of the tour done in August, 2004. N.sanguinea, N.macfarlanei, and 97 years seen in Cameron Highland in the Malay Peninsula. It introduces the difference of the bag of N.sanguinea and N.macfarlanei in Gentinhairand investigated in 98 years and 2001.
It rounded from Medan in the Doba lake in Sumatra, Danau Toba was seen again through Sibolga, and a peculiar kind of Sumatra such as N.tobaika N.ovata N.rhombicoulis N.spectabilis N.sumatrana N.longifolia N.eustachya N.aptera(new kind) was able to be seen in the distance until turning Berastagi. In addition, Borneo such as N.ampullaria N.gracilis N.mirabilis N.reinwardtiana was able to see the familiar one.

Shigeo Kurata


スラウエッシではN.hamata N.glabrata N.eyemai等が有名であるが、 当時N.hamataがN.dentataと呼ばれていた時代で、倉田氏の文献における命名記載よりもやや早く論文発表がなされた為、倉田氏のN.dentataはシノニムとなり、N.hamataが正式に学名採用された経緯やエピソード等が詳しく紹介された。
勿論当時撮影されたN.hamata N.glabrata N.eyemai等の綺麗な画像が紹介された。

Nepenthes habitat of Srauesshi (record in 1983)

Introduction when having explored it with Mr. Kurata and Mr. Atsumi, etc. in 1983. The Japanese who travels abroad in the age in the talk of the previous state without Washington Convention yet for as many as 20 years from now is a story in such an age not general, too. It is possible to look for circumstances like the episode etc. of the Iriyama permission from the reservation trouble of the air route to Srauesshi to the habitat area etc. at that time.


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