第2回ネペンテス サミット

Content of lecture announcement and appearance on Saturday, October 10

Ch'ien Lee
Nepenthes of the Bau Limestone Area

Borneoのライムストーン(石灰岩の山)に自生するNepenthesについて、 環境保全問題及び生物学的見地からの研究発表である
ライムストーンのみに自生するNepenthes(N.northiana,N.campanulata N.faizaliana等)と ライムストーン以外の場所にも自生するもの(N.albo-marginata N.vogerii N.gracilis等) に分けられる。そしてBauに生息するNepenthesについて綺麗な画像とともにそれぞれの種類の特徴などについて説明された。 その中で、新しくN.gracilisとN.northianaの自然雑種がみつかった。これをN.bauensisと命名したそうである。
ライムストーーンに自生するNepenthesの中でも特に固有のN.northianaについては、乱獲によりかなり数を減らしたが、今では組織培養技術の発達で乱獲は収まった。しかしライムストーンの採掘による被害及び野火による消失の危機も未だに避けられない事である。 ネペンテスの自生地を地質学的な切り口でまとめ上げたなかなか興味深いプレゼンテーションであった。

Nepenthes that grows naturally in the Lyme stone of Borneo (mountain of limestone) is divided into the one (N.albo-marginata N.vogerii N.gracilis etc.) that grows naturally in places other than Nepenthes (N.northiana and N.campanulata N.faizaliana, etc.) that grows naturally only in
stone of Lyme that is the announcement of the research from an environmental preservation problem and a biological viewpoint and the Lyme stone. And, each kind of feature etc. were explained with a beautiful image about Nepenthes to live in Bau.
A natural crossbreed of N.gracilis and N.northiana was newly found in that. This might have been named N.bauensis.
N.To capture the termite, albo-marginata might apply white Hatima to the mouth.
Indiscriminate fishing was installed in the development of the tissue culture technology now though it reduced the number considerably by indiscriminate fishing about especially peculiar N.northiana in Nepenthes that grew naturally in Raimustorn. However, it is a thing that the crisis of the disappearance by damage because of the mining of the Lyme stone and the field fire is not yet avoided. It was quite interesting presentation that brought the natural growth ground of Nepentes together by a geological cut and raised it.

Masamitsu Hashimoto

食虫植物研究会の企画委員である橋本氏による栽培環境と栽培場の解説。食虫植物栽培に適した住宅(土地)の選び方から 冷房温室での環境つくりの苦労話、綜合警備保障による温度管理システムの導入など、滅多に聞けない貴重な話の 連続でした。

展示品としてN.hookeriana Kondoという珍しいタイプを持参され、栽培エピソードなどを説明していただきました。

Introduction and cultivation of Reamono cultivation goods

Cultivation environment by Mr. Hashimoto who is project committee of insectivorous plant society and explanation of cultivation place. It was continuous of the valuable story that was able rarely to be heard for the hardship story of an environmental making in the air-conditioning greenhouse and Sogo Keibi Hosho to introduce the temperature management system from how to choose a suitable house (land) for the insectivorous plant cultivation. < BR > place of cultivation can have been a wonderful doing such as Sarasenia, Nepentes, and Pinguicula.

An unusual type named N.hookeriana Kondo was brought as an exhibit, and it explained the cultivation episode etc.

Hiroshi Wakabayashi

真黄色に咲き乱れるN.bifidaや珍しいU.delphinioidesも圧巻であったが、野生するN.thoreliiの画像も迫力がある。 タイにはこの他、N.mirabilisやN.anamensis(N.campotiana)も自生するが、まだ充分調査されていなく、その生態分類も はっきりしていない。かつて日本に導入されたピンポンダマと呼ばれるまん丸のN,thoreliiや、ベトナム、ラオス、カンボジア、タイにわたる本格的な調査が必要なときが来たのかもしれない。

Nepenthes habitat in Thailand

It is a habitat in Thailand surveyed last November report.
The image of wild N.thorelii also has power though N.bifida that blooms all over in true yellow and unusual U.delphinioides were masterpieces. It is not investigated still enough, and the ecology classification also : though N.mirabilis and N.anamensis(N.campotiana) grow naturally besides this in Thailand, too. Clearly. It called and time when a real investigation over N of full, thorelii, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand was necessary might have come with Pimpondama introduced into Japan before.

Kazuhisa Mio

今まで自生地で調査してきた高山性の画像を中心に紹介された。N.bongso N.singalana N.spathulata等の変異や違いなどを詳しく解説。 N.lowii N.tentaculataの地域変異など非常に興味深い。

Mutation and cultivation of highland Nepentes

The alpine image that had been investigated on the habitat up to now was mainly introduced. It explains the mutation such as N.bongso N.singalana N.spathulata and the difference, etc. in detail. A regional mutation etc. of lowii N.tentaculata are very interesting.
In addition, his cultivation place is a masterpiece. A lot of pitcher that alpine Nepentes is big are applied in the air-conditioning greenhouse of 40 u. Management of temperature etc. by computer system. It seems to have achieved a large result in the mist device used for the Mushroom cultivation and air-conditioning by the air conditioner for the room. 。

Shigeo Kurata

Ch'ien Leeもまだ行った事は無いようで、倉田先生の話を食い入るように聞いていたのが印象的であった。

Diversity from New Caledonia Nepenthes

N.viellardii lives only in this island. It is said that 90% or more of this island is a peculiar kind because it is a very good soil element geological to this island. Green, red, and a jet-black bag have been discovered about N.viellardii. It was impressive for doing Ch 'ien Lee still not to exist, and to have heard Mr. Kurata's story.

Ch'ien Lee
Nepenthes of Sulawesi

インドネシア領のスラウエッシ島に生息するNepenthesを紹介。1994年8月、1996年の9月及び2004年の9月に調査された記録である。 N.glabrata N.eymae N.hamata等の綺麗な画像と現地の人たちや自生地の風景、昆虫や小動物の画像は見ごたえ充分であった。
スラウエッシはボルネオとニューギニアの中間に位置する為、N.gracilis N.mirabilis N.maxima N.tentaculataなど、ネペンテスの分布範囲にも非常に興味深い。N.maximaについても4タイプ紹介され、別種ではないかと思われるぐらい変異に富んでいる。

It introduces Nepenthes to live in the Sulawesi island in an Indonesian territory. It is a record investigated in September, 1996 and September, 2004 in August, 1994.
It was enough. Because Sulawesi is located in the middle of Borneo and New Guinea, it is very interesting also within the range of distribution of Nepentes such as N.gracilis N.mirabilis N.maxima N.tentaculata. The mutation is N.maxima's being introduced by four types, and being seemed that it is a variety abundant.
In addition, it is a thing being discovered for red N.hamata that was surprised. It is every noisy . in this. In addition, the new kind of affinity was discovered by merrilliana in recent years. It is a very attractive island because there are a lot of mountains not surveyed still in the investigation in the future with the possibility of the new kind discovery.

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